Hepatitis is a hepatic inflammation caused by viruses. Type „A“ is also named „travel hepatitis“ since it is caused by contaminated water and food, but it is also transmitted by smear infection.
All Mediterranean countries, the states in Eastern Europe and travel destinations of foreign countries with the exception of the U.S.A. bear a medial to high risk of infection with hepatitis A.
The vaccination comprises 2 injections at an interval of approximately 6 to 8 months. The vaccine protection is already in effect about 1 week after the first vaccination. A vaccination renewal is due no sooner than 8 to 10 years after the first one.
This hepatic inflammation caused by the hepatitis B virus is spread globally and in its clinical course much more dangerous than hepatitis A. In Europe alone we have a number of one million annual new infections.
The transmission is made via blood, saliva or sperm. The risk for travellers can be found among other in medical procedures in the holiday resort (nonsterile injections, needles, instruments). But tattoos and piercings also place a risk. Sexual contacts are another transmission path.
Elderly people and patients already having chronic diseases should be vaccinated because of the increased risk of having to rely on medical assistance at the holiday resort, when making long-distance travels and when travelling to regions with insufficient medical supply.
To prevent a further increase of diseases, this vaccination is recommended to all teenagers (12 – 18 years) in Germany by the STIKO (Ständige Impfkommision).
The vaccination consists of 3 injections at an interval of 0, 1 and 8 to 12 months.
The vaccination is in effect already 1 week after the second injection. A vaccination renewal is due after 8 to 10 years.
Hepatitis A and hepatitis B can be vaccinated together in a single injection as well.